
Welcome to my blog site ChemEnggHelp, this is concerned with Chemical Industries and Chemical Engineers. And, provides the information and necessary help in their work profile as a process engineer, plant shift engineer or a project manager.

In my work experience I found our engineering courses are not aligned with industry requirements. I mean, there is a clear gap between our engineering courses and industrial requirements. And, this gap is visible in both the areas whether it is production or process design side. In both the areas we need practical knowledge, which is missing in our chemical engineering course structure. However, this missing skill we all learn with our years of work experience.

So, this website’s main focus is to help and support engineers who works as a shift engineer, process design engineer and project manager. Therefore, in my blog articles I share my learning and experiences, which is not available in our text books. My blog posts are related with plant design, commissioning skills, plant operation, process automation & control, process improvements, digital transformation, project management fundamentals, etc.
